Digitizing the historic Vector journal

The PDF scans of the set of Vectors donated by Dyalog have been published. There is a single PDF document for each issue of Vector, these PDFs are available on the Vector website at https://vector.org.uk/category/journal. Each journal has a dedicated page with a table of contents and the embedded PDF. There are also links to individual articles where they are available online.

Webinars and live meetings

Webinars: These have continued on a bi-weekly basis and are now in their fifth year. These will continue as long as people turn up. Thank you to all those who have regularly attended and contributed to these sessions.

Symposia: Sadly these have been suspended since March 2020 due to the pandemic. Several people have expressed a strong interest in resuming live meetings. I have approached the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists(WCIT) at Smithfield. They have quoted me £100 per Hour to £700 for a full day. Those are discounted rates as the BAA is a charity. They also cater at £450 for lunch or £600 for dinner. I consider this a baseline and other venues could be considered.

Consolidating the web sites

At the moment there are three sites:

  • vector.org.uk contains papers and articles produced by authors. Contributors are able to edit their articles directly on the site and a few papers have been produced in this way but sadly only a few. If you would like to contribute a paper then contact the [email protected] for guidance on how to get started.
  • britishaplassociation.org contains posts on news, events and reports such as this page. Material can be posted by committee members and sustaining members.
  • archive.vector.org.uk is the original online archive and contains a catalogue to the Vector journal and some published papers.

We still have a plan to merge the first two sites into a single site. This will be easier to manage and will offer greater scope to support publishing papers and also add presentations to the journal.

Since the passing of Chris Hogan his servers are being decommissioned and we now need to move the archive to another location. I have trialed moving the archive to a cloud server. See this Vector as an example. This has the advantage of being HTTPS and can act as a mail server. I am currently paying £11.99 per month with an initial fee of £14.38. I believe that the BAA should own a similar set up in it’s own right.