MJH Software Services have released qWC Alpha 0.4. Version 0.4.1 is now available from our website:-


qWC is an emulation of Dyalog’s native GUI ⎕WC, allowing APL defined GUI’s on Mac’s, Linux, RaspberryPi and Online. With the release of Alpha version 4.0, qWC now works with the HTMLRenderer removing the requirement for a HTTP Web-server.

Using HTMLRenderer instead of a Web-server allows Mac and Linux Users to use qWC as easily as Windows Users use ⎕WC and allows Windows Users to develop their applications ‘offline’.

To initialise HTMLRenderer with qWC simply type qLocal''

More information on the origins and basic functionality of qWC can be found in our Webinar hosted by Dyalog in November 2019 https://dyalog.tv/Webinar/?v=l3e1z2se9dI