For the last twelve years the British APL Association (BAA) has met informally at the end of each month. These meetings have served to provide a regular opportunity for one-to-one hook-ups, general discussions or a platform to demonstrate things people have been working on.
However, the group has come to the view that we should stage more focused events. In order to stage these events this we are upgrading two of the regular monthly meetings to a Mini Conference.
The Mini Conferences will take place biannually in the Spring and Autumn. These events will take the form of a live meeting streamed simultaneously as a Webinar. Presentations and talks will be delivered either in person or remotely and will be recorded and published on BAA Website after the event.
The venue is The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists ( located at 39a Bartholomew Close, London, EC1A 7JN. We will have the capacity to host up to forty people. Initially this might be ambitious but we hope these events will grow with successive meetings. Refreshment will be provided and WiFi is available.
The Mini Conferences will be regular structured events, fixed in the calendar providing a focal point to help people plan how and when they might share knowledge and experience.
In the spirit of promoting APL these meetings will be open to all and not just members.
The British APL Association invites members and sustaining members to present at these meetings.

If you would like to present at the inaugural meeting in March please contact the Events Organizer at [email protected] with details.
If you thinking of attending the meeting in March could you RSVP to the Events Organizer at [email protected] as it will be important for us to gauge interest.
Save these dates!
Spring Mini Conference 2020 | 13:00-17:00 27th March 2020 |
Autumn Mini Conference 2020 | 13:00-17:00 25th September 2020 |
Spring Mini Conference 2021 | 13:00-17:00 26th March 2021 |
Autumn Mini Conference 2021 | 13:00-17:00 24th September 2021 |