Change to ground rules
- Feel free to ask questions during presentations unless the presenter has indicated otherwise.
- But if you are not speaking stay muted.
- Continue to use the chat log to post comments and suggestions.
Webinar Schedule
- Future Webinars will be “Open Sessions” where anyone who would like to can take the floor.
- We will be organizing alternative hosts to facilitate these meetings.
- We will spread out presentations depending on demand to one every four weeks.
- Changing Zoom rules mean that we will need a pass code at some point in the future. This will go out with the mail shot to notify subscribers that the Webinar is happening,
- The webinar schedule is now accessible via a new Events menu option
- Each webinar session entry will have a link to a dedicated page to act as a container for the videos and to capture reactions
- Add the ability for reader to comment on posts via DisQus.
- We are In the process of adding a facility to post news via email. This will be announced when it is ready.