This year the BAA AGM will be held on Friday 31st May at 14:30 in the Hoop & Grapes, Farringdon Street, London. All members of the BAA are welcome to attend as is anyone else interested in APL and the community.
Last years Minutes are available here: BAA AGM 2018 Minutes (PDF, 123kb)
Join remotely
If you can’t make it you can join us online. Expected start time will be around 14:30-14:45 on 31st May. Technology permitting.
Join the Zoom Meeting: no longer available
- Welcome
- Minutes of the 2018 AGM
- Chairman’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Committee for 2019/20
- Progress with the new Vector website
- Proposed event and AGM next year
There will be some light snacks available during the meeting
If anyone has a question they would like to raise in AOB please forward to the Chairman in advance of the meeting if possible – [email protected]