Chris Hogan

It has been another quiet year for the BAA and sadly we have lost some well-known APL characters from our community during that time. Chris Hogan who passed away in January 2023 was a keen APLer, our auditor and supplier of infrastructure services etc for many years, he will be missed by many of us. My personal thanks go out to John Jacob who has not only taken on the work that Chris did on our infrastructure but also helped Chris’s wife through these difficult times.

What has been going on?

I think it fair to say that the pandemic took much of the wind out of our sails and even now, a couple of years after things got back to ‘normal’, we still are not up to full speed. Nevertheless, there is still an appetite for a regular face to face meeting for our community to gather, the webinars continue as does work behind the scenes on our websites and infrastructure.

Around the APL world there is much activity; Dyalog continue to hold their annual User Meetings (the next one in Glasgow) and the APL challenge competition carries on, Ray Polivka in the US has released his long awaited book on APL for beginners, APL2000 has recently released their new APL64 product and last year Roy Sykes held a very successful meeting at the Minnowbrook conference centre. These are just a few of the events I am most familiar with that are going on around the world, there are many more.

The APL Trust Fund

Our AGM will cover many topics this year, but I think there is one item that is worthy of particular consideration. This is the APL Trust Fund that is being created by Gitte from Dyalog (but not run by them). The Trust aims to collect money from a range of benefactors and use it for the Promotion of APL for the benefit of education and Science. There is a potential for the BAA to contribute to this Trust and together with all the other money raised be able to do more for our community.

Thank you

Paul Grosvenor

Chairman of BAA