British APL Association – Extraordinary General Meeting

Date: 12th August 2021

Reason for meeting

To agree changes to the constitution and to decide if funds should be released for the Journals in a Digital Format project


Changes to the Constitution -Does the Committee accept

  • Remove the section on Appointed Offices and all reference to them
  • Changes to the Elected Officers section including the reduction of roles and changes to the limitation on length of service
  • The changes in section 4, Members in Good Standing
  • Addition and changes to clause 8, Annual General Meeting point 3, 5 and 6
  • The Addition to Clause 10, Finance point 10
  • Change to clause 11, Dissolution.
  • Any other changes

Click here to review Draft regulations


Provision of the Vector Journals in a Digital Format

Does the committee agree to release funds of up to £1000 for the stated project?